Who Am I?

Hi. My name is Gabe. I’m a smart and spunky teenage boy who likes to have fun. I like to read and play the saxophone. Saxophone is life. After all, we are pretty saxy. I’m okay at bowling and enjoy doing that in my free time. I used to draw, but have given it up because I wasn’t very good at it and didn’t have enough time to practice. Something cool about me is that I’m in college and high school at the same time. I am in dual-enrollment classes at my school. This means I get high school and college credit at the same time. I like to think I’m a pretty smart guy. Most people would agree with me. I’m not a big hit with the ladies, but that’s okay. I have my lady and she’s the number three lady in my life. My mom and grandmother will always have number one and two on lockdown.

Speaking of family, I love my family. I couldn’t ask for a better family in the whole world. They have supported me in everything I have done and continue to do so as I finish up high school. One of the things they have supported me in is my transition from female to male. I am a trans man and am proud to be one. I just recently got my name legally changed and started hormones thanks to my parents.

I started this blog to document my changes on T and maybe help anyone who might be going through the same thing. It’s also a good way for me to vent when times are rough and I just need someone to talk to. As of today, I am three weeks on testosterone. I haven’t noticed many changes, if any. I have a little bit of acne and my face is quite greasy. I have to wash it multiple times a day. It’s pretty gross, but I’ll figure it out. My next shot is next Monday. That will mark my one month on testosterone. I haven’t decided if I’ll post pictures throughout my transition. I might. Either way, this is an exciting time in my life. I am going through changes not only physically, but mentally as well. I am excited to see how I grow and change as a person in these next few years and the rest of my life. I hope you all enjoyed that little bit of background about me.

Have a great day and be nice to somebody today. Just say hi or offer a smile.

8 thoughts on “Who Am I?

  1. Hey Gabe,welcome! I just want to wish u all the best in your transition and say thank you for sharing your history with us. You will definitely inspire others. Keep going 😊

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