One Month!!

So today marks four weeks (one month) on T!! I’ve seen a few changes. My face has gotten quite a bit greasier and there’s some acne there too. It’s manageable though and I’m going to be proactive and nip it in the bud. Face washes are friends, not food. Just kidding. For real though, Clean and Clear has saved my butt. Some people might not like it, but it works for me and I’m going to continue doing what works for me. A friend also told me my voice sounded a bit deeper today. That made me super happy. I haven’t noticed a change, but people seem to think it’s getting deeper so that’s nice. As far as hair, I’m not really sure. I haven’t lost any head hair, and my legs were already kind of hairy to begin with.

One thing I’m really not happy about is how much I sweat. It’s insane! I was already someone who got hot easily before starting T, but now it’s all the freaking time! It also makes my workouts a bit gross, since I sweat at the smallest things. Hopefully losing some weight will help with this though. As far as smelling, I don’t generally smell bad. I will admit that post workout, I smell like a boy who hasn’t heard of deodorant. Once I take a shower though, I’m good for the rest of the day.

Finally, the last, and maybe the most concerning change of all: aggression. I’ve found myself to be really aggressive lately. Like all the time. I just want to fight everyone. It’s even worse when I’m driving and someone pisses me off. Right now, I’ve just been exercising when I get mad, or if I can’t exercise, I try to go somewhere by myself.

Other than that, life has been just peachy. I’m happy and having a good time most days. I got up and exercised this morning before going to school. I weighed in at 284.6 this morning. Not too excited about the number, but I’m ready to see it go down. I’m going to try to focus more on health goals, and not numerical goals. I’ll set numerical goals, but I won’t beat myself up about it. I’m more interested in becoming a healthier person and seeing how my body changes as I get closer to my goal.

Well that’s it for tonight. Everyone have a good one. Don’t forget to be nice to someone. It’s not hard, and could make someone’s day.


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